Dear beloved friends,
It is our delight to write to you of all the exciting things that are happening of late in the Embassy of the Blessed Kingdom of God for all Nations church!
Pastor Sunday was recently in Trinidad, San Fernando, ministering in various churches there.
Apart from preaching the life changing gospel to the local people of Trinidad and Tobago, Pastor Sunday also had the privilege of meeting with Prime Minister Patrick Manning.
The congregation of Point Fortin Open Bible Cathedral in Trinidad thanked Pastor Sunday for his presence and teaching at their church saying, .You really challenged our hearts and thinking. You motivated and inspired us in several ways. We have rededicated our lives to the work of God, in particular to missions..
During this trip Pastor Sunday also went to Philadelphia and taught the students of the History Makers Bible School. History Makers Bible School ( is a unique institute of training where students will learn how to take the doctrines of the Bible, get spiritual understanding of life and relationship with God, and how to use it to impress the Kingdom of God upon every area of society, bringing divine revolution into economic/business, educational, media, entertainment, political, sports and social/spiritual areas of life.
In September Bishop LaDonna Osborne was the teacher at the opening class. Pastor Sunday taught in October and will teach again in November on the subject: The Kingdom of God.
Classes are held every second weekend of every month by various world renown and seasoned teachers of the gospel.
While at the History Makers Bible School, Pastor Sunday formed a team of World Changers namely the HISTORY MAKERS TEAM. These are people who are already doing exploits for the Kingdom of God but wish to fall under the mentorship of dynamic leaders for a greater effect in different spheres of society.
The motto for the organization is self descriptive of their cause:
.Those who want to do and live for something larger, bigger and greater than themselves..
More exciting and breakthrough news for the Embassy of God church is that we have again made headline news on BBC World, the program being broadcast all day. The video is featured on our website,
More information about the program will be sent to you shortly.
We give God the glory that there was also news broadcast featuring the Embassy of God on German TV channel 1 in August and in July, also French TV did a report. God is really doing something significant toward the end time furtherance of His Kingdom! Just recently we also had articles published in Associated Press, Reuters, Wallstreet Journal and Charisma magazine.
Our annual Winter Fast will be held from 7-14 December, 2006. This is a time or refreshing and restoration; a time of worship and seeking God.s face. For more information concerning this, please see our website
We thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter and trust that it has been both informative and inspiring to you.
May you have a blessed and prosperous day in the Lord Jesus Christ!
This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it! Psalm 118:24
Remain blessed in Him!
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God." JOHN 1:1, NKJV HOLY BIBLE.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Friday, November 03, 2006
You Are The Only One Who Can Limit God
By Bishop Gaspar Anastasi
You are the only one who can limit God
Too many Christians are looking for God to do miracles in their lives, yet they have not made a full commitment to Him.
In other words, they want the blessings without the Blessor. And that won’t work.
You see, God wants complete access and freedom to live in us and manifest Himself through us. Many of us just want a quick fix for a certain trial we’re going through, when what we need is a complete overhaul. We need a new lifestyle that will enable us to steer clear of those perils and problems in the first place. But many of us don't want Jesus Christ at the helm. We don’t want Him directing our lives and calling the shots because we have no intention of stopping the sin we’re living in.
Fortunately for us, God doesn’t work that way. I say “fortunately” because if God did work that way, no one would give themselves over to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. God blesses those whom He possesses.
Either Jesus Christ is Lord over all your life or He isn’t Lord at all. God won’t settle for anything less. He doesn’t want just part of you. He wants all of you. That’s what He means when He says, “I am a jealous God.” He won’t share you with anything or anyone, especially satan.
Many Christians don’t even realize that they are living in sin. They’ve gotten so used to complaining about their hard times and blaming others (including God) for their problems, that they can’t see that their own disobedience is to blame.
If your life is not reflecting the light of Jesus, and if God’s blessings aren’t flowing to you on a regular basis, examine yourself. See if Jesus really is Lord in your actions and in your relationships. He may not be. Before you point fingers at other people, realize that you are the only one who can limit God in your circumstances.
If you refuse to look at life through His eyes and rebel against His will (which is what you’re doing when you sin), you tie His hands and prevent Him from moving on your behalf the way He wants.Want to see miracles in your life? Want to see prosperity like you never imagined?
Want to have peace reign in your home instead of strife? Line your life up with God’s Word. How do I do that? you ask.Give Jesus first place in everything you do. Open up the Bible and spend time with Him when you get up in the morning. Before you spend time with the television or radio. Come before Him in honesty and simplicity.
There’s no use trying to hide your sins from Him. God already knows what you did. Ask His forgiveness and move on.Give over control to Jesus Christ. Only then will you begin to see growth and change in your life. If you have a problem, only the Master Mechanic knows how to fix it. But He can do only as much as you allow Him to.
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You are the only one who can limit God
Too many Christians are looking for God to do miracles in their lives, yet they have not made a full commitment to Him.
In other words, they want the blessings without the Blessor. And that won’t work.
You see, God wants complete access and freedom to live in us and manifest Himself through us. Many of us just want a quick fix for a certain trial we’re going through, when what we need is a complete overhaul. We need a new lifestyle that will enable us to steer clear of those perils and problems in the first place. But many of us don't want Jesus Christ at the helm. We don’t want Him directing our lives and calling the shots because we have no intention of stopping the sin we’re living in.
Fortunately for us, God doesn’t work that way. I say “fortunately” because if God did work that way, no one would give themselves over to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. God blesses those whom He possesses.
Either Jesus Christ is Lord over all your life or He isn’t Lord at all. God won’t settle for anything less. He doesn’t want just part of you. He wants all of you. That’s what He means when He says, “I am a jealous God.” He won’t share you with anything or anyone, especially satan.
Many Christians don’t even realize that they are living in sin. They’ve gotten so used to complaining about their hard times and blaming others (including God) for their problems, that they can’t see that their own disobedience is to blame.
If your life is not reflecting the light of Jesus, and if God’s blessings aren’t flowing to you on a regular basis, examine yourself. See if Jesus really is Lord in your actions and in your relationships. He may not be. Before you point fingers at other people, realize that you are the only one who can limit God in your circumstances.
If you refuse to look at life through His eyes and rebel against His will (which is what you’re doing when you sin), you tie His hands and prevent Him from moving on your behalf the way He wants.Want to see miracles in your life? Want to see prosperity like you never imagined?
Want to have peace reign in your home instead of strife? Line your life up with God’s Word. How do I do that? you ask.Give Jesus first place in everything you do. Open up the Bible and spend time with Him when you get up in the morning. Before you spend time with the television or radio. Come before Him in honesty and simplicity.
There’s no use trying to hide your sins from Him. God already knows what you did. Ask His forgiveness and move on.Give over control to Jesus Christ. Only then will you begin to see growth and change in your life. If you have a problem, only the Master Mechanic knows how to fix it. But He can do only as much as you allow Him to.
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