Thursday, November 08, 2007

Desmond Tutu: God Has A Dream for The Middle East

Desmond Tutu speaks out on the Middle East: * A powerful word from one of the greatest Christian leaders of our time. Reminiscent of Dr Martin Luther King.Jr, Tutu says, "God has a dream for the Middle East"

Professor Marsh of Virginia on the American church: * Marsh fears that American Evangelicals have exchangedfaith for nationalism! This is a brilliant critique ofhow easily religion can become an 'opiate of the masses':

My sermon on the 'Deserving Poor'?: * At the risk of sounding arrogant, I think this may be oneof the most important sermons I've come out with for some time. It's on Jesus' story about Lazarus and the rich man;

Please take time to read these articles. You won't regret it!

What to do with Retired Politicians?

An interesting little chat has opened up between Stephen andmyself over the key role being played by retired politiciansnowadays as advocates for social justice. I've been very impressed by the work of Jimmy Cater in the US, and now former Aussie Prime Minster, Malcolm Frazer, seems to be following in his footsteps! My question is, what contribution do we see the current headsof state in both Oz and the US, making after they retire from public life?
Dreaming of a new form of Church!

Stephen continues to push the boundaries of our imaginations,looking for a new form of church that goes beyond literalismand is truly inclusive. He's set up another survey, asking, "Is it time to drag thechurch into the 21st Century?" Should we be sticking with the fundamental truths passed down to us by our forebears, or adapting our faith to the world as it is. And is this really the key question we need to face ifwe want to make our churches more inclusive?

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