Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Promises, Promises

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

1. Promises, Promises

"Your kingdom [God] is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures through all generations. The LORD is faithful to all his promises and loving toward all he has made."1

"In the latter days of the Vietnam War, an American Colonel named Earl Woods made a promise. Woods believed that his friend, a South Vietnamese colonel named Vuong Phon, saved his life. In gratitude for that act, Woods promised to name his son after his friend, who was known as 'Tiger.' Sports fans will immediately understand that the promise was kept. That son has immortalized his father's friend for most everyone has heard of Tiger Woods."2

When I was growing up in secular Australia, in grade school every chapter in our English class readers [text books] had a moral that applied to healthy everyday living, and on the header over the door of every classroom was a motto. I still remember one of these that was from the Bible: "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might."3 We were also taught that "a man was as good as his word."

I also learned early in life that a man who didn't keep his word couldn't be trusted—such was a serious character flaw. Sadly today for many, giving their word doesn't mean a thing. Think of so many crooked business leaders who lie by cooking their financial books, politicians who make promises to get votes, promises they have no intention of fulfilling, and so many of the rest of us who place little value on the word we give and the promises we make.

So I ask myself the question, "Am I as good as my word? Am I a man of character who keeps his word and fulfills his promises?"

Suggested prayer: "Dear God, thank you that you always keep your word, and that you always fulfill your promises. Please help me to do the same. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus' name, amen."

1. Psalm 145:13 (NIV).
2. By J. Michael Shannon,
3. Ecclesiastes 9:10 (NIV).


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