Wednesday, July 30, 2008

True Christianity

True Christianity is the Key To Heaven

16. "You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they?
~ Jesus Christ in Matthew 7:16 (New American Standard Bible)

Christianity can only be practiced by honesty and transparency and not by conceit and deceit.

Therefore, if you are not honest and transparent, you cannot be a Christian.

Being a regular church-goer or reading the Holy Bible cover to cover does not make you a Christian until you live according to the commandments of Jesus Christ as preached and practiced in the New Testmament.

I do not need to write a thesis or quote from the exegesis of Genesis to prove the above definition of true Christianity.
Jesus Christ said by their fruits you shall know them and not by their lip service and mode of dressing.

Your actions will prove whether you are a true Christian or a false Christian.

The majority of those posing and posturing as Christians are in fact not really true Christians, but hypocrites and wolves in sheep clothing.

Do not be deceived or fooled by their lip service and eye-service "Christianity".

Their behaviour and attitude and how they live and relate with their fellow humans will show you their true colours eventually.

Actions speak louder than words.

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