Thursday, March 05, 2009

Life Purpose

1. Life Purpose

"For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost."1

I have read that Bob Russell, in his book, When God Builds a Church, tells about one occasion when he went to The Pancake Factory restaurant and noted that their luncheon special for the day was a grilled chicken sandwich with spicy Mexican sauce. He "kind of" felt that they had lost their focus.

I'm sure that many businesses have lost their main focus—as have some churches which get sidetracked into doing many good things, but miss the main thing. But what concerns me today, however, is how so many Christians have lost their main focus, if in fact they ever had one.

For example, I have asked hundreds of people in various classes I have taught: "How many believe that God has a purpose for your life?" Almost every hand is raised. Then I ask, "How many of you know what your God-given life-purpose is?"

Here's the shocker—barely a hand is raised!

If we are to be true followers of Christ our focus, first of all, needs to be on him and to be committed to living in harmony with God's will according to the principles found in his Word, the Bible, so that we glorify God in all that we are and do.

Second, our purpose needs to include our personal and spiritual growth and maturity.

Third, God's purpose for us is also in how we invest our lives in living for and serving Him. Keep in mind that we serve God by serving others—using the gifts and talents that God has given to each of us.

Fourth, our purpose as Christians is also to be witnesses for Christ—not as a preacher or evangelist (although that will be true for some)—but in all that we are and do so that others seeing Jesus in us will want him for themselves, and to share our Christian faith as the opportunity arises.

It helps to clearly define your God-given life purpose—basing it on you gifts, talents, abilities and interests—by writing it down and getting it into sharp focus. Then memorize it and repeat it every day so that it is programmed into your unconscious mind. This in turn makes it a part of your deep-down belief system and helps you to live it automatically.

Don't write it in generalities. Be specific. State exactly what you are going to be and do and how you are going to do it. Remember, "Blessed is he who aims at nothing for he shall surely hit it."

Suggested prayer: "Thank you God that you have a purpose for my life. Please help me to discover what it is and get the training I need to fulfill it to the best of my ability. Please help me to so live that others will see Jesus in me and, in so doing, will want him for themselves. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus' name, amen."

1. Luke 19:10 (NIV).


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