Saturday, April 04, 2009

Father David Smith Talks To Seyed Khatami - the former President of Iran

Catching up with Khatami
Certainly the highlight of my week was catching up with Seyed Khatami - the former President of Iran.
The point of connection was my friend Sheikh Mansour. Not only are they both Iranian but Mr Khatami is a fellow sheikh, and so Mansour managed to organise a meeting between the three of us.
Mr Khatami had been invited to Australia by the Australian National University in Canberra to share his vision of a 'dialogue between civilisations', where Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, and people of all faiths and cultures can sit down and share and learn from one another.
Mr Khatami's visit was not without controversy. In an article in the Sydney Morning Herald, Colin Rubenstein claimed that Khatami was both anti-semitic and a supporter of terrorism. Certainly, as you'll see from the video below, Mr Khatami disagrees on both points.
My goal in interviewing Mr Khatami was both to hear of his vision for peace between peoples of all faiths and nations and to hear how he responded to the charges made against him in the Herald by Mr Rubenstein.

The video you see here is only about half of the first of the two sessions Mr Khatami gave me.
The unabridged audio versions of both interviews have been uploaded to the Fighting Father members area if you want to hear the rest. Just click here.

And if you want to keep up-to-date with my videos on YouTube, click here.

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