Friday, October 21, 2016

If You Don't keep the Commandments of Jesus Christ, You Are Not a Christian

Spiritual ignorance kills.
The same terrible mistake that the people of Jesus Christ made by their ignorance of him as The Messiah majority of so called Christians are still making today. And I ask: are they really Christians or just church goers?
Do they read the Holy Bible well or they read it upside down?
To make understanding our Lord Jesus Christ easier, study Matthew 5, 7 and 25.

Many so called Christians are practicing witchcraft and think they can fool God or what?
Trouble makers come in their different characters, forms and kinds and they are all children of Satan and not of God.
Read Psalm 50.
Pray for the Holy Spirit to give you the power of the gift of discernment to see through deception in conceit and deceit among people around you and in churches; the deceivers and pretenders claiming to be Christians.

I was a refugee child in the jungle alone during the Nigerian-Biafran civil war; without my mother and my father was far away in Lagos on the Nigerian side. I was wandering in the midst of snakes and other dangerous creatures,  but Almighty God JEHOVAH protected me. My beloved mother of blessed memory, Mrs. Gladys Eke lost three of her six children among the hundreds of thousands of other Igbo  children who died in Biafra. I was very ill and they told my mother I would die. But the Holy Spirit descended upon me and I started speaking in tongues and God saved my precious life for His Glory and Glory alone.
Many years later I became a public transport bus evangelist in the days of "Molue" in Lagos city for 11 years and then later preached on Bonny Island in Rivers State and started my online  gospel ministry, The Rhema Blog in 2005 to date.
So, I have a very sacred relationship with my one and only Father and only true God JEHOVAH.

Our Lord, Saviour and Messiah Jesus Christ said, "If you love me, keep my commandments."~ John 14:15 .
Therefore, if you don't keep the commandments of Jesus Christ, you are not a Christian.

Matthew 5:9 "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God."

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