Saturday, July 29, 2017

I Will Give You A New Future



I am your Father. I know you so much better, than anyone else. I know you, my child.

I will never abandon you. With Me you are truly safe. I surround you with My hands, to protect you.

You don’t have to hide from Me. You don’t have to be afraid of Me. I understand you so well, so well. I understand you better than anyone else. I know your deepest thoughts, desires, questions and dreams.

I understand you My child. And I love you so much.

I wanted you to live. I have called you to come home with Me. Not in a religion, not in a tradition, not in that what has been created by people who don't really know Me. I have called you to know Me: your Father, your Mother, your God who has made heaven and earth.

The One who loves you with an eternal love.

I love you!
Dare to open yourself to Me, my child. I am your Father, your Friend. I am so different than the people you know. I am so different than everything you know.

Love is the core of My being. I am love.

I am good. I am faithful. I am merciful. I am the One who gives people new courage. I am the One who gives hope to those who have lost all hope. I am the One who gives life to those who are dead. I am the One who resurrects you, my child.

I love you. I love you.

Dare to see it, my child. Dare to open your heart wide for Me. Because I am really here. I am here.

A new future
When you look at my Son, Jesus Christ, you see Me. The mercy He showed for those who failed, who screwed up, who did everything wrong, who watched everything go wrong in their lives. They were rejected by men. Most of them hated themselves, they had no idea who they were in My eyes.
I sent them my Son Jesus Christ. Through Him I showed them:

You are not cast away. I did not give up on you. I have so much love for you.

Dare to give yourself to Me. I will give you a new future.
I will give you a new name. I will wipe away your past, like it has never happened. I will remove your sins as far away from you as the east is from the west.

I will give you a new future.

No longer a slave of sin. No longer as a result of your past with so much darkness. I will give you a new future as My child. A new future, a new destination.

Give your heart to Me, my beloved. Don’t be tied by the fears of this world that does not know Me.

I love you!

~ Your heavenly Father

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