"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God." JOHN 1:1, NKJV HOLY BIBLE.
Thursday, November 16, 2017
God is Faithful When We Fail
God is faithful when we fail
if there's one thing I am discovering more and more, it's the incredible faithfulness of the heavenly Father.
We all go through valleys and over mountaintops, successes and failures, joy and grief, victories and challenges...
I used to think God is pleased with me, when I am on a mountaintop and angry when I am in a valley.
But the longer I walk with Him and the closer I get to His heart, the more I realize He is such a true Father and such an amazing Friend.
I can fail, I can stumble, I can fall, I can let myself and others down... and yet He is there, with His arms wide open, welcoming us back into His love and grace.
This is such an amazing characteristic of the heavenly Father: He is truly for you and not against you.
Full of grace
It took me many years to truly dare to believe this. Often I had the feeling that deep down in His heart God is against me, because I fail and stumble. But the longer I walk with Him, the more I am beginning to see that He is so different than my deep rooted fear tries to tell me.
He is so full of grace and compassion, so supporting and encouraging. When others let me down, He lifts me up. When I let myself down, He is there to strengthen me.
He believes in us, when we have no more faith in us or even in Him.
He is the light in our darkness, the joy in our grief, the hope in our pain. He is the bright daylight in our darkest night.
I don't read this from some book, but I speak from many years of personal experience. I have been through many dark nights and deep challenges, where I had lost all hope.
But He was there.
I had no words...
One day I was so ill, I hadn't been able to sleep well for over a year, due to overloaded brains and too much stress. That day I sank to my knees in despair. I was so broken that I had no words. I wanted to pray but couldn't. I was too desperate. Too empty. I simply lifted my head and released a deep sigh... Even prayer had become too hard for me.
That night my wife prayed for me, and the Lord gave her words from His heart to encourage me. So she prophecied and the Lord said:
'David, although you have no words, your heart is crying out loud to Me. I hear you, and I tell you that I have a wonderful future for you. Don't lose hope. Trust Me. I love you and My plans for your life are so beautiful!'
My wife didn't know that I had tried to pray that day, but had no words. Only God knew this. And He answered me...
He has spoken to me so often in times that I felt too broken to believe.
He is so good and so faithful.
Whatever you are going through, beloved, don't lose hope. He is with you, right where you are.
Look at ME!
I hear Jesus Christ say these words to you, right now:
I love you with the deepest love there is, and My love will not fail for you, beloved.
Although the darkness surrounds you, My light is within you. Let My light shine into your mind and see My faithful love.
I will lead you through these times and I will give you new strength.
Look at Me. I rose from the dead. I conquered the grave. No matter who deep you are, I have gone so much deeper, so much further into the depths of the abyss.
I have been where no man has ever been and I have overcome, says Jesus Christ. I am the conqueror. I am the victor.
I am eternal life, and if you believe in Me, I will give you this life that is stronger than death. This life that will help you break through the valley where you seem to be so stuck in.
I will raise you up to new levels of faith in Me, where you will begin to see beyond the shadows and discern My light inside of you.
I am here, says the Lord, right with you. I have walked this valley so often and I will lead you out of it.
Trust Me, walk with Me, look at Me.
Don't focus on the darkness, but focus on Me, and My light.
Let My love strengthen you.
Let My love fill your heart.
Listen to My voice and hear My heartbeat.
I love you.
I care for you.
I know you.
I forgive you with all my heart and with fullness of joy.
My grace is so abundant.
I have hope for you and your beloved ones.
Look at Me.
I smile over you.
I look at you with eyes of gladness and understanding.
Come and follow Me.
Come and walk with Me.
Come and put your hand again in My hand.
I will help you.
And together we will walk, from victory to victor, from glory to glory, from darkness to light, again and again.
My love will become the deep foundation of your life.
Look at Me.
Have faith in Me.
I lover you.
I never leave you.
We will make it, together, you and Me.
Come with Me.
- Jesus Christ
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