Sunday, December 02, 2018

Message from Our Lord JESUS Christ on Monday, December 3, 2018

Dear beautiful people,

I am so excited and feel so much love of God that I cannot help but saying beautiful.

Hope you don't mind.

I so know, with all my heart, that Daddy looks at us with eyes of a REAL DAD.

Eyes that enjoy seeing us.

He enjoys us, like a real father enjoys his little children.

Can you believe this?

You are so beautiful in His eyes.

God sees a beauty in you, you can't even see yourself.

He sees a glory inside of you, that nobody else can see.
- December 3, 2018, 1:39 AM
David Sorensen

"I see your treasure, deep inside of you.

You are so precious, says God.

So beautiful.

You may see the bad stuff in your life, the sin and dirt on your soul.

But I know there is more.

There is a treasure in you, hidden beneath the sand.

I see it, says God, that's why I have called to be My own.

You are My own, says God.

Although you say 'I am not worthy' I say: YOU ARE WORTHY! You are my treasure.

So costly that I became a human, like you, and I died for you.

I gave my very life, to make you My precious child.

So come to Me.

Don't be afraid,

Don't run from Me.

'But God, I am so dirty! I am so filthy. How can you want Me?'

I see so much more in you.

Look at the prodigal son, in the Bible.

He had lived with the pigs.

Hey, see it before your eyes!


What a low place, what a humiliation.

His sin had brought him as low as eating with the pigs, in the mud.

What value did he have left?


But I welcomed him back, into my arms and I clothed him with a ROYAL ROBE.


See it, child!

See it before your eyes.

This filthy, sinful, humiliated son...

Nobody cared about him.


I clothed him with royalty right in front of the eye of all my household.


He never went back to the pigs.

He knew how loved he is.

How precious he is.

I say to you, My child:


You don't belong with the pigs, in the mud of sin.

You belong with Me, in My royal courts, where you see My beauty and glory.

I call you out of the darkness into the light.

So come to Me.

Don't hide from Me.

You are way too precious, to be in those dark places.

You are called to walk with Me in the courts of heaven, the royal chambers of My presence.

That is who you are, prince or princess of the King of kings.

So come to Me.

Come with all your heart.

Lay it all down: your sins, your pride, your fear, your darkness, your lies, your shame...

I wash it all off of you.

I gave My very own blood, to buy you from the grip of sin, and make you My very own.

So shake it off. Let My Spirit wash it all off of you.

And shine, My beauty!

Shine with Me.

Shine in My light

Shine in My glory.

Shine in My love, that is yours forevermore,

And when the time is right I will send you into the deep darkness, where other royals children of Me are, hiding in the mud with the pigs.

I will send you to the filthy places where you can tell them about My love for them.

So many royal children of Me are hidden in the dirt of the world.

But I will call them, to be My very own.

So precious, so costly, so beautiful.... Each and every one of them.

Gems in the dirt, hidden for the eye of men, but I see them.

So let My Spirit clean your hart and mud, from all the dirt. And be My child, forevermore.

I love you forever,

The God of heaven and earth, Creator of all that lives, the Father who calls you His very own.

- Jesus Christ.

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