Thursday, December 06, 2018

Our Whole Family Worships God and It's Heavenly 🌟😃🔥

Our Whole Family Worships God and It's Heavenly 🌟😃🔥



We have made a choice as a family. This is one of the most powerful decisions in our lives.

We no longer watch TV every night and waste our time. From now on, as a family, we will take time - with four small children - to worship God.

We are surprised about what happened. On the second evening, our 13-year-old daughter received amazing new prophetic songs that the Spirit of God sang through her. She sang these spontaneous songs of the Spirit for almost a full hour, with lyrics that a child can never think of. It was a miracle! With beaming eyes and a huge smile, Shira said afterwards

"This is the last thing I expected ..."

The other children said that they felt the power of God very strong. They loved it.

We experienced and heard the angels, and Renate saw the cloud of God's glory in the room, like a kind of luminous fog hanging in space.

The presence of Jesus and the Father is so strong I our home now, I have no words for it.

The children enjoy it with their whole heart. The little Shekinah of five years young dances exuberantly through the room, while the others worship Jesus Christ in full surrender. I never thought this would be possible.

God leads us to a whole new level in Him.

The children are so open and hungry for Jesus, they love Him so much, they experience Him so powerfully. It is heaven on earth. 

Jesus in our midst!

We have decided to do this every day, whenever possible, in the morning and in the evening. Start the day and finish with a wonderful time of prayer and worship.

I have never experienced the presence of Jesus in this way. Sometimes His power is so strong on me that I don't know what to do and my body is shaking violently under His power. "It's like an earthquake in our house," said Renate with a laugh.

I also see Him so clearly in His beauty and majesty.

Yesterday I experienced so beautifully that Jesus is the king of all billions of angels. He is the leader of the great heavenly angelic armies. They worship and serve Him and He leads them in the battle against darkness.

💛 He is the God of healing who makes everything new and who always has a new day for us.

💛 He is the Father of comfort, encouragement and mercy, who strengthens us in every need.

💛 He is the God of life in abundance, life that flows freely and expresses His creativity.

💛 He is the God of reconciliation and brotherly love in whom there is no hatred and division.

💛 He is the God of intimate love, friendship, romance and devotion to each other.

💛 He is the God of new ideas, who always gives solutions and keeps surprising us.

💛 He is the God of nature, who created the creation for us to enjoy.

💛 He is the God of animals who give us both joy and love, when we know how to handle them.

💛 He is the God of deep wisdom and insight who has made us kings to reign and to share with Him in His wisdom.

💛 He is the God of authority who dispels the evil one and appoints us as His authority bearers to shine His light powerfully,

💛 He is the God of unmasking who exposes the hidden masquerade of the enemy and He is the consuming fire that destroys the enemy.

💛 He is the God of the prophets who speak with a voice that does not compromise and does not bow to the intimidation of darkness, but it sounds like a trumpet, to liberate people and bring them to God.

God gave me a whole stream of awareness of who He is:

The God of life.
The God of love.
The God of truth.
The God of freedom.
The God of reconciliation.
The God of forgiveness.
The God of breakthrough.
The God of abundance.
The God of joy.

I invite you to follow our example. Do not make worship a second-class business, forgetting more than appreciating it.

Join us and make it a priority to worship God with your whole heart.

Make your home, your life, your heart a place of God's presence, where He can reveal His majesty. There is nothing more beautiful than that. To bring heaven to earth.

Practical tips 🙌

I give you some tips to get started.

🔥 Invite the Spirit of God to fill you completely and guide you.

🔥 Explain aloud that Jesus Christ is the King and Lord of all your life and your home.

🔥 Command every darkness and evil spirit to leave your life and home.

🔥 Declare that your home and your whole life is holy and pure before God.

🔥 Remove everything from your life that is unclean to God: movies, music, art, books, and so on.

🔥 Subject yourself very consciously to the authority of King Jesus.

🔥 Then start praising Jesus. Sing especially songs that really exalt God. We sing songs about ourselves in church too often. That does not bring God's glory into your life. Worship Him, the God of all glory and majesty. Worship HIM Sing about HIS greatness, HIS majesty, HIS goodness and love.

Praise HIM and forget yourself.

Be truly a channel of worship for the Lord of Hosts, the captain of the heavenly armies.

And give you completely. Sing not only with your mind, but let the worship come from the deepest depths of your heart, like a trumpet of God's glory, as a river of freedom and life, as a stream of God's power.

Give yourself over to Him, who deserves all praise.

If there are spontaneous sounds and words bubbling up, then give utterance to it and let the sound of heaven resound from you.

Say very sincerely, "Lord Jesus, You can have complete control over myself. Open the sources of Your Spirit in me. Let your streams of living water pass through me."

Ask Him also to fully open you. Sometimes we do not know how to fully open our heart to Jesus. I often ask: "Lord Jesus, open me completely to You! Take away any blockage so that I can see You. "

Become a living river of God, where the angels dance and sing and where demons flee. You will find that the presence of God will fill your life.

Another tip: we often sing along with very powerful worship on YouTube. Then we switch to spontaneous singing to God from our hearts. We seek the most anointed music that really brings us into the presence of God.

Not just 'Christian songs' that are sung purely intellectually, but worship that really comes from the heart, in surrender to the Spirit of God.

 ðŸ‘‰ Benny Hinn is very powerful and is so intensely focused on Jesus. But not everyone is so fond of him, so feel free to search for other music. 👉 Terry MacAlmon for example or 👉 Morningstar

For example, the praise and worship of 👉 Benny Hinn is very powerful and is so intensely focused on Jesus. But not everyone is so fond of him, so feel free to search for other music. 👉 Terry MacAlmon for example or 👉 Morningstar or whatever helps you to worship God with all your heart. 👉 Bethel worship is also really awesome!

Note: I do not agree with every detail of the theology of these ministries, but I enjoy their pure heart for Jesus and their intense worship. We are all on our way to a better understanding of Jesus and during our journey together we can respect and love each other!

Here are some links to songs that we sing, just as an example to help you on your way.

🔥 Jesus what a wonderful name

🔥 God you are greater

🔥 Jesus we exalt you

🔥 How He loves us

🔥 Break every chain

Enjoy the awesome presence of Jesus!

He is the King of all kings, He reigns and His power expands over the whole earth. He is not far away - somewhere out there - but He is here in our midst and waiting for us to embrace Him with all our heart and live as His beloved Bride.

~ From David Sorensen is the maker of the christian website and author of famous Christian books, posters and maps.

David Sorensen already loved God as a child and wanted to become a missionary later on when I grew up. He told his friends and relatives about God and made comic strips that he had duplicated himself, to distribute to people and to tell them about God. As a teenager, he went through a difficult time in which he turned his back on God for years and did not want to have anything to do with faith anymore. After these dark years David Sorensen returned to God in a special way, as a real lost son.

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