Saturday, August 10, 2024

The Greatest Thing After Creation

"Genesis 1:1" digital art video by Ekenyerengozi Michael Chima.

The greatest thing to happen after creation was communication.

Without communication there will be no civilization.
- Ekenyerengozi Michael Chima.

The most amazing verse in the Holy Bible is John 1:1.

Infact, creation began with communication when God commanded all things into existence by the command of His Word.
Genesis 1:3.

To create is to communicate.
There is no creation without communication.

Science has never doubted or refuted the existence of God; 
Infact, science has reaffirmed it: from the Big Bang Theory to Quantum Physics to Artificial Intelligence.

There is what I call the Equation of the existence of God.
The Equation of God is beyond mortal knowledge, because mortality cannot comprehend immortality.

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