Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Worst Tragedy of Life

The worst tragedy of life is not death.
But the fact that majority of humans don't realise the purpose of life on earth.

The widespread epidemics of intellectual ignorance and spiritual ignorance have done more collateral damage to Nigerians than the tragedies of corruption and terrorism.
The most pathetic of all are the legions of churchgoers claiming to be "Christians", but are still ignorant of the fundamental principles of the teachings of our Lord JESUS Christ who actually showed the purpose of life by His own life which He fulfilled and defined by His own life and even explained in His parables and in particular in the parables of Talents and the Sower which unfortunately the self acclaimed Church leaders and other ministers have failed to demonstrate to their multitudes of churchgoers who are more often ruled by herd mentality than the true knowledge and realisation of the Truth. So they continue to live empty lives in the bondage of their existential fears and insecurities in intellectual and spiritual ignorance.

John 8:32:
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

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