Saturday, July 17, 2021

He Provides A Shelter in the Storm


Present residence in Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria since September, 2020. Safe from the floods of the torrential rainfalls in the stormy weather.

Near the University of Lagos and Yaba College of Technology. I thank Almighty God for the hygienic and safe residence, and providing the money for the rent. Yes, it is not cheap, but trust Almighty God JEHOVAH JIREH and  JEHOVAH Ebenezer to provide the money for the payments of the rents weekly and monthly. Since He has seen me through the storms thus far triumphantly and victoriously, He will surely lift me up to higher grounds of greater heights in the mighty name of our MESSIAH JESUS Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever. AMEN. I can pray, praise and worship HIM and shout loud HALLELUJAH and nobody has complained that my joyful noise is disturbing him or her.  

Baba modupe o!


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