Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Ultimate Message of the Holy Bible

The one and only true message of the Bible is:

God loves us more than we can imagine.

He calls us to be His precious children.

He wants to live with us and make us His dwelling place.

Through us He brings His love to the world around us.

He is not far away, but He is right here with us.

Jesus Christ removed every obstacle between you and God.

He restored the unity between you and God.

You no longer need to wait for God to come down on earth.

He is here.

Discover Him.

Wake up to His presence in you and with you.

Allow Him to purify and change you into His love and goodness.

Allow Him to make you into a golden temple of His glorious presence.

This is the ultimate message of the Bible.

It is what Jesus has done:

He restored the presence of God with men.

God now dwells among us.

Open your heart fully to Him.

Open your mind fully to Him.

Open your entire life fully to Him.

He longs to be your most intimate beloved.

Don't keep Him on a distance.

Much love,
David Sorensen

Ps: read these words again and meditate on them

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